Wednesday, October 19, 2005


To catch us all up to speed, I've left the Jews, and am currently saving the world one virus at-a-time at McAfee.

Taking from an old skit:

Nate: My commute has change from an hour and fifteen minute train ride to an hour long car ride through evil evil traffic.

You: Oh, that's bad.

Nate: Not really. I've listened to The Hobbit and The Fellowship of the Rings in the car, and am already starting The Two Towers.

You: Oh, that's good!

Nate: Actually, I've had to burn the Mp3s onto CDs every night. Two CD's per day for the last four weeks... it is starting to get annoying.

You: Oh, that's bad.

Nate: Again, not really. It has given me reason to give in and buy an iPod (yes, the latest Video one) and all the fun equipment to hook the iPod up to my car stereo.

You: Oh, that's good!

Nate: Heck yeah, that's good!

I digress. My real reason for posting, as alluded (sp?) to in the Title, is my recently acknowldedged fear: resolution.

Which is ironic, because I am a problem solver by nature and by trade. But from this same source comes the dichotemic problem: I want to solve problems, but I also DON'T want to solve problems, because then there will be no more problems to solve.

Case-in-point: I've spent the last three weeks trying to solve an absurd rendering problem for our site redesign (March 21, 2006... keep your eyes peeled). This is the last big problem of 30 or so. 30 minutes ago I solved it. After dancing a jig around the office, I sat down to implement it and... I couldn't. I found myself dawdling with other projects, writing this blog, checking my mail, etc.

I am reso-phobic.

What will come next? Smaller problems will be unsatisfying, like crumbs on the ground after a feast. Bigger problems will... will there be bigger problems? is this it? is this the peak of my architecture project? shouldn't I let it linger?! shouldn't I relish this moment for a while?!

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Yosemite Revisited

Last weekend I took a group of guys from JBU to Yosemite. We had a good time, and you really should ask them for stories rather then me, as they were at least 8 times more excited than I.

But I wanted to share some fun bits with you.

First, these guys sang. They sang in the car, sang at night, and sang in the morning.

Second, most of them had never been to the Pacific, let alone California, or Yosemite. It goes without saying that they were very excited.

Check out some of the pictures, and if these guys ever roll your way, be sure and invite them in for stories.